Sunday, March 21, 2010

Over a year ago...

we went and skated vert in New Jersey, then....

A gentleman who runs the site The House of Steam grabbed some photos of mine from a trip to the DWGVR and he recently asked for some more. It made me look thru some stuff from said mish to Jersey, which led me to remember that I never posted those photos. I wouldn't want to disappoint anyone of viewing my spectacularly crappy photos...

Vert is hard work, some people (me) make it look hard, other people (see below) make it look easy.

Friday at Garden Skate

Allen's is a hard place to take photos... who wants to stand around and not skate (even if you're a coping scratcher) and because it's such a massive ramp, it's hard to be in the right place at the right time. Did I mention that I take crappy photos?

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