Friday, December 26, 2008

kick turns? You betchya!

I finally got a second layer on one of the corners and to my surprise, it actually came out pretty decent. After putting down the first layer I thought this thing would be all kinked out, but the second layer took care of that concern. After it was done, we moved some wood and cleaned up and got some kick turns in - and a little bit of some carve action. The one corner isn't done yet so it was a bit sketchy to roll on it. But it felt really good to roll around for a bit.

There have also been some concerns as to how skateable this thing would be. It's too small, no flat, low ceilings, etc. Well, based on the tiny bit of skating we got in, I'm happy to say that this mother is fully skateable. It'll be tight and quick, but we barely scratched the surface and we can't wait to get her done.

(the corner that has the skateboard on it is the corner with 2 layers)

1 comment:

  1. my girl said it sounded like thunder out in the garage last night...'bout fucking time!

